Are you ready to take the next step?

Scholarship Acceptance

The scholarship acceptance form will appear here from January 2025

The purpose of this form is to:

  • accept your scholarship offer
  • update your personal and financial details
  • and confirm your study plans

For payments to commence, all relevant sections of the Scholarship Acceptance Form must be completed and any supporting documentation uploaded.

At the end of this form, you will need to upload the following documentation:

✓ Enrolment certificate from your nominated tertiary institution
✓ Proof of government educational payment
✓ Signed Acceptance of Scholarship Offer
✓ Headshot

For any questions or concerns, contact the AVCAT team on (02) 9213 7999 or

Please note: your name must be clearly stated on all uploaded supporting documentation.

Please ensure all images are of a high resolution so that we can easily read them.

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